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Industry agreement on the protein transition, the Netherlands, 2023-2024
Questionmark is an independent thinktank. Their mission is to ensure our food environment supports a healthy, sustainable, fair and animal-friendly food system. The aim of this project is to reduce the consumption of animal protein by making industry agreements with Dutch supermarkets. The range of products offered by supermarkets could support people to eat less animal products and thereby support the protein transition in the Netherlands. First of all, this project provides insights into how supermarkets are currently contributing to the protein transition. Subsequently, the project supports supermarkets to reduce the sale of animal-based proteins by trying to make joint industry agreements on this topic. The Turing Foundation is contributing €50.000 towards this project. See also: Other climate projects ![]() Industry agreement on the protein transition |
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Accelerated transition Dutch aviation sector, Netherlands, 2023-2025
Natuur & Milieu is one of the biggest and most influential environmental organisations in the Netherlands. It has various programmes with which it works on issues related to climate change. The aviation sector contributes 15% of the climate impact of the Dutch economy, but the sector's lobbying efforts, economic arguments against regulation and belief in future technological solutions are hindering effective climate policy. Natuur & Milieu has been campaigning for years for the reduction of the climate impact of aviation and works with policy makers, politicians and climate scientists to stimulate effective and ambitious policy. The goal of this project is to bring Dutch international aviation in line with the Paris climate goals (55% reduction in emissions in 2030 and 100% in 2050). By 2025, Natuur & Milieu wants the introduction of a cap on aviation CO2 emissions so that the level of CO2 emissions by aviation is 25% below the level in 2019, that at least 2% of aviation fuels is sustainable, and that people in the Netherlands fly less often and shorter distances than in 2019. To reach these goals the organisation is focusing on three main elements: influencing policy development, stimulating companies to reduce business travel and supporting the aviation sector's transition. The Turing Foundation is contributing € 300,000 towards this project (of which, € 100,000 in 2024) See also: Other climate projects ![]() Accelerated transition Dutch aviation sector |
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'Together for a healthy and sustainable food system', Netherlands, 2023-2026
Our daily food choices greatly influence the climate, biodiversity, our health, animal welfare and global food security. For this reason, ProVeg Netherlands campaigns for more plant-based production and consumption patterns. The number of flexitarians has greatly increased in the last ten years, and people in the Netherlands eat more meat substitutes than anywhere in Europe. This project is focused on accelerating the protein transition in the Netherlands and reducing the consumption of meat and animal proteins. ProVeg wants to help the public permanently change in its diet. ProVeg wants to research the effects of its 'Veggie Challenge' and develop it further as an instrument for behaviour change for the most varied-possible target group. The organisation also wants to increase and professionalise its influence on Dutch politics. The Turing Foundation is contributing € 160,000 towards this project (of which, € 80,000 in 2024) See also: Other climate projects ![]() Together for a healthy and sustainable food system |
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Professionalisation of the Jonge Klimaatbeweging, 2022-2025
The Jonge Klimaatbeweging (Young Climate Movement campaigns for a world in which young people have a say in their future and caring well for the planet is only natural. It is fighting for a future-proof society centred on justice and empathy. The Movement is based on a clear idea: young people deserve a voice to shape their own sustainable future. They are the generation which will have to live with the consequences of climate change. The decisions taken today will determine how tomorrow's world will be. In our society, tomorrow's world is in the hands of today's politicians, policy makers and business leaders. For this reason it is vital for young people's voices to be heard. The Turing Foundation's support will help the organisation professionalise. Volunteers' travel costs will now be reimbursed, the board will receive a higher remuneration and an office will be rented. In addition, the Turing Foundation's support will contribute towards circulating the vision document entitled 'de Jonge Klimaatagenda 3.0' (the Young Climate Agenda 3.0) amongst policy makers and a large group of young people. The Turing Foundation is contributing € 150,000 towards this project (of which, € 40,000 in 2024).
See also:
![]() Professionalisering Jonge Klimaatbeweging |
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Posters for the planet - a competition for a better world, The Netherlands, 2023-2025
Research shows that nearly 80 percent of Dutch people are concerned about rising temperatures and declining biodiversity, but find it challenging to turn that concern into action. Posters for the Planet - a competition for a better world aims to bridge the gap between good intentions and actual change. The Turing Foundation calls on designers, artists, and other creative Dutch people to submit a unique poster image that exudes great urgency and has a clear call to action. In this competition, each creator is free to choose their own focus: what can be different, which themes are crucial, what makes people able and willing to contribute more? The winning designs will receive a generous cash prize, be exhibited in various Dutch museums and public spaces, and will form the basis for a national climate campaign that the Turing Foundation is developing together with a number of partners. Want to know more, submit a poster, collaborate with us? Go to postersfortheplanet.org. The Turing Foundation has made €500,000 available for this project.
See also:
![]() Turing Image Competition for a Climate Campaign, The Netherlands, 2024 |
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Making the True Price Standard available worldwide, 2024
The True Price Foundation works on a movement to promote fair prices, which also takes into account the costs of the external effects of producing a product (both social and environmental costs). It is still a small foundation that is under development whilst the true price movement is growing rapidly. To continue to lead and facilitate this growth, the True Price Foundation must professionalize and expand in the short term. The Turing Foundation is contributing €75,000 to this project. ![]() Making the True Price Standard available worldwide, 2024-2025 |
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Vote for a climate candidate, Young Climate Movement election campaign, 2023
Do you already know who you are going to vote for? That's fine, but then choose to vote for a climate candidate instead of the party leader! The Young Climate Movement has selected per political party the candidate who is most outspoken to tackle climate issues. If a political party receives for example more preferential votes for a climate candidate listed as number 10 than for candidate number 9, this gives a clear signal that its own supporters consider climate an important issue. The Turing Foundation is contributing €75,000 to the online campaign to draw attention to this list of climate candidates. See also: Jonge Klimaatbeweging: other projects ![]() Vote for a climate candidate, Young Climate Movement election campaign, 2023 |
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Restoration ARTIS-Aquarium, Amsterdam, 2022-2023
Artis has committed itself to operating on a climate-neutral and fossil-free basis by 2030. Its almost 140-year-old Aquarium Building is in a poor state, caused by salt-water damage amongst other things. The Aquarium is being restored to preserve it for future generations. The plan involves completely restoring the building and making it sustainable. Problems such as salt-water corrosion and accessibility will also be solved. Restoring the Aquarium will not only make it sustainable but aims to inspire the public. The modernised Aquarium will tell an important story about the importance of healthy oceans. Biodiversity in the oceans is an absolute precondition for healthy oceans - Turing supports projects around the world related to this theme. The Turing Foundation is contributing € 50,000 towards this project. ![]() Restoration ARTIS-Aquarium |
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Public campaign 'Maak Toekomst', the Netherlands, 2020-2022
The Turing Foundation wants to reach more people and convince them in a positive way to make more conscious and thus better choices which benefit nature and biodiversity. Together with Greenpeace, we have investigated how this can be achieved. The communication agency Dawn has developed a plan for a campaign. We believe we can use this campaign to stimulate a large group of people in a catchy and positive way to make their voices heard and increase the pressure to 'make a future'. We feel that this is the moment to move from consumerism towards a movement ensuring that choices are made at system level for a better future. This will have a lasting impact, ultimately benefiting the earth and, in turn, people. The Turing Foundation is contributing €1,200,000 towards this campaign and is also doubling third-party contributions towards this campaign up to a sum of €500,000.
See also:
![]() Publiekscampagne 'Maak Toekomst', Nederland, 2020-2021 |
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Research phase public campaign, the Netherlands, 2020
The Turing Foundation wants to know if it has a role to play in reaching more people and convincing them in a positive way to make more conscious and thus better choices which benefit nature and biodiversity. If we do have a role to play, we would also like to know what this entails. We are conducting this research project with Greenpeace. Their core activity is involving and activating more people, thereby increasing societal support and the impact of their campaign for a green and just future. Their team is experienced in campaigning, strengthening existing initiatives, and is open to wider involvement to garner more societal support. With our input, Greenpeace is preparing a strategy and a briefing for communication agencies. We will use the concepts to decide in June whether to launch a campaign and, if so, based on which concept. They are providing the man-hours, and we are providing the financing for external costs such as research and reimbursement for communication agencies' pitches. The Turing Foundation is providing a maximum of € 75,000 for this research phase, ending in June 2020. See also: Greenpeace: other projects ![]() Research phase public campaign, the Netherlands |