
Climate projects
This page lists projects that help prevent climate change. For an overview of all our nature projects, see our nature web page.
Questionmark Foundation Industry agreement on the protein transition, the Netherlands, 2023-2024
Questionmark is an independent thinktank. Their mission is to ensure our food environment supports a healthy, sustainable, fair and animal-friendly food system. The aim of this project is to reduce the consumption of animal protein by making industry agreements with Dutch supermarkets. The range of products offered by supermarkets could support people to eat less animal products and thereby support the protein transition in the Netherlands. First of all, this project provides insights into how supermarkets are currently contributing to the protein transition. Subsequently, the project supports supermarkets to reduce the sale of animal-based proteins by trying to make joint industry agreements on this topic.

The Turing Foundation is contributing €50.000 towards this project.

See also: Other projects in Netherlands

Industry agreement on the protein transition
Industry agreement on the protein transition

Natuur & Milieu Accelerated transition Dutch aviation sector, Netherlands, 2023-2025
Natuur & Milieu is one of the biggest and most influential environmental organisations in the Netherlands. It has various programmes with which it works on issues related to climate change.

The aviation sector contributes 15% of the climate impact of the Dutch economy, but the sector's lobbying efforts, economic arguments against regulation and belief in future technological solutions are hindering effective climate policy. Natuur & Milieu has been campaigning for years for the reduction of the climate impact of aviation and works with policy makers, politicians and climate scientists to stimulate effective and ambitious policy.

The goal of this project is to bring Dutch international aviation in line with the Paris climate goals (55% reduction in emissions in 2030 and 100% in 2050). By 2025, Natuur & Milieu wants the introduction of a cap on aviation CO2 emissions so that the level of CO2 emissions by aviation is 25% below the level in 2019, that at least 2% of aviation fuels is sustainable, and that people in the Netherlands fly less often and shorter distances than in 2019. To reach these goals the organisation is focusing on three main elements: influencing policy development, stimulating companies to reduce business travel and supporting the aviation sector's transition.

The Turing Foundation is contributing 300,000 towards this project (of which, € 100,000 in 2024)

See also: Other projects in Netherlands

Accelerated transition Dutch aviation sector
Accelerated transition Dutch aviation sector

Proveg International 'Together for a healthy and sustainable food system', Netherlands, 2023-2026
Our daily food choices greatly influence the climate, biodiversity, our health, animal welfare and global food security. For this reason, ProVeg Netherlands campaigns for more plant-based production and consumption patterns.

The number of flexitarians has greatly increased in the last ten years, and people in the Netherlands eat more meat substitutes than anywhere in Europe. This project is focused on accelerating the protein transition in the Netherlands and reducing the consumption of meat and animal proteins. ProVeg wants to help the public permanently change in its diet. ProVeg wants to research the effects of its 'Veggie Challenge' and develop it further as an instrument for behaviour change for the most varied-possible target group. The organisation also wants to increase and professionalise its influence on Dutch politics.

The Turing Foundation is contributing 160,000 towards this project (of which, € 80,000 in 2024)

See also: Other projects in Netherlands

Together for a healthy and sustainable food system
Together for a healthy and sustainable food system

Blue VenturesMiaramientagna Federation Scaling up community-led conservation of marine ecosystems, Madagascar, 2023-2026
Blue Ventures is an organisation that campaigns for the preservation and protection of the sea, and puts people first. It supports coastal communities in remote and rural communities to rebuild fisheries, restore ocean life and develop sustainable ways of generating income for the local community.

This project focuses on protecting 557 km2 of marine area in the Bay of Tsimipaika, in the north-west of Madagascar, based on community-led marine conservation. This is being reached by supporting the Miaramientagna Federation's coordination of bay management. Fishing restrictions are being implemented, and sea grass reserves and no-take zones are being established to improve biodiversity and increase fishing yields. In addition, 21 members of the community are being trained to monitor the marine ecosystems and use their data to show the local community the advantages of complying with the sustainability measures. Various aspects of local communities' decision-making are being improved and local support is being fostered for new and larger marine reserves.

The Turing Foundation is contributing 193,000 towards this project (of which, € 50,000 in 2024)

See also:
      Blue Ventures: other projects
      Other projects in Madagascar

Scaling up community-led conservation of marine ecosystems, Madagascar
Scaling up community-led conservation of marine ecosystems, Madagascar

Jonge Klimaatbeweging Professionalisation of the Jonge Klimaatbeweging, 2022-2025
The Jonge Klimaatbeweging (Young Climate Movement campaigns for a world in which young people have a say in their future and caring well for the planet is only natural. It is fighting for a future-proof society centred on justice and empathy. The Movement is based on a clear idea: young people deserve a voice to shape their own sustainable future. They are the generation which will have to live with the consequences of climate change. The decisions taken today will determine how tomorrow's world will be. In our society, tomorrow's world is in the hands of today's politicians, policy makers and business leaders. For this reason it is vital for young people's voices to be heard. The Turing Foundation's support will help the organisation professionalise. Volunteers' travel costs will now be reimbursed, the board will receive a higher remuneration and an office will be rented. In addition, the Turing Foundation's support will contribute towards circulating the vision document entitled 'de Jonge Klimaatagenda 3.0' (the Young Climate Agenda 3.0) amongst policy makers and a large group of young people.

The Turing Foundation is contributing € 150,000 towards this project (of which, € 40,000 in 2024).

See also:
      Jonge Klimaatbeweging: other projects
      Other projects in Netherlands

Professionalisering Jonge Klimaatbeweging
Professionalisering Jonge Klimaatbeweging

Coral Reef Alliance Long-term, adaptive management systems to promote resilient reefs and communities, Honduras, 2023-2025
Coral Reef Alliance (CORAL) works with local coastal communities to protect 'their' reefs, to create a network of healthy and diverse reef formations that can adapt to climate change. CORAL is working on the preservation of the second-largest barrier reef in the world, the Mesoamerican Reef. This project is focused on the Caribbean coast of Honduras, and requires strengthening corals and promoting the herbivorous fish population. Without herbivores, macroalgae can grow unchecked, which can smother coral reefs and disturb the delicate ecosystem balance. Thanks to an earlier project supported by the Turing Foundation, the fish biomass in Tela Bay has almost quadrupled and the positive effect of Marine Protected Area (MPA) patrols on herbivorous fish populations has been demonstrated. Using this knowledge, CORAL now wants to scale up to sustainable fisheries along the north coast of Honduras. Activities include standardising measurement methods of fishing activities and socio-economic data, conducting a socio-economic evaluation of the new area, expansion of aquaponics (sustainable food production at sea), strengthening fishermen's unions and improving the exchange of knowledge.

The Turing Foundation is contributing 95,000 towards this project (of which, € 30,000 in 2024)

See also: Coral Reef Alliance: other projects

Protecting and restoring the Mesoamerican Reef, Honduras
Protecting and restoring the Mesoamerican Reef, Honduras

Posters for the Planet Posters for the planet - a competition for a better world, The Netherlands, 2023-2025
Research shows that nearly 80 percent of Dutch people are concerned about rising temperatures and declining biodiversity, but find it challenging to turn that concern into action. Posters for the Planet - a competition for a better world aims to bridge the gap between good intentions and actual change.

The Turing Foundation calls on designers, artists, and other creative Dutch people to submit a unique poster image that exudes great urgency and has a clear call to action. In this competition, each creator is free to choose their own focus: what can be different, which themes are crucial, what makes people able and willing to contribute more?

The winning designs will receive a generous cash prize, be exhibited in various Dutch museums and public spaces, and will form the basis for a national climate campaign that the Turing Foundation is developing together with a number of partners.

Want to know more, submit a poster, collaborate with us? Go to

The Turing Foundation has made €500,000 available for this project.

See also:
      Posters for the Planet - Winnaars
      Het moet iemand bij de lurven grijpen (Trouw)
      1462 Goede ideeën voor het klimaat (NRC)
      Juryrapport Posters for the Planet
      Nederlander onderschat eigen rol in klimaatcrisis (HvA)
      Say When wint ontwerpwedstrijd (Duurzaam Ondernemen)
      Posters for the planet (WWF)
      Oproep Posters for the Planet (BNO)
      Posters for The Planet (RT)
      Posters for the Planet: other projects
      Other projects in Netherlands

Turing Image Competition for a Climate Campaign, The Netherlands, 2024
Turing Image Competition for a Climate Campaign, The Netherlands, 2024

Mission Tiburon Boosting the habitat of hammerhead sharks, Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica, 2023-2025
Misión Tiburón is an NGO set up by two marine biologists. During their work they discovered that the hammerhead shark is one of the planet's most endangered species. They also realised that in the last decade insufficient attention has been paid to the species' nursery grounds and that protecting mangroves is essential to this shark's reproduction. A particularly important nursery ground is Golfo Dulce, on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica and one of only five tropical fjords in the world. Whilst Misión Tiburón's task was originally research, it now mostly focuses on protecting and restoring mangroves, involving local communities in this protection, and collaborating with the Costa Rican government to achieve goals in the climate agreement. In recent years, the mangroves in the region have been threatened by urban growth, sea-level rise, erosion and sedimentation. For this reason, the Misión Tiburón team decided to integrate an ecosystem approach in its work. The team now consists of eight members, with the founders still actively involved in the organisation's work. It collaborates closely with the local and national government in Costa Rica and with international organisations such as UNEP and IUCN.

This project will support the Costa Rican government in meeting its international obligations to protect and maintain 100% of its coastal areas, ensure management and effective monitoring of the wetlands and develop mechanisms to sustainably use mangroves for locals' livelihoods. The organisation started restoring mangrove areas in the last year and now needs additional financing to increase the scale of its restoration work. Misión Tiburón will continue to involve local communities and promote alternatives for their livelihoods.

The aim of the project is to strengthen the hammerhead shark reserve in Golfo Dulce in Costa Rica by protecting and restoring mangrove areas and reducing local communities' ecological and social-economic vulnerabilities.

The Turing Foundation is contributing € 200,000 towards this project (of which, € 60,000 in 2024).

See also: Other mangrove projects

Versterken van het leefgebied van de hamerhaai, Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica
Versterken van het leefgebied van de hamerhaai, Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica

Coral Reef Alliance Protection and Restoration of the Mesoamerican Reef, Honduras, 2020-2022
Coral Reef Alliance (CORAL) has been working with local coastal communities since 1994 to protect 'their' reefs, creating a network of healthy and diverse reefscapes that will be able to adapt to climate change. The Mesoamerican region (MAR) has the second-largest barrier reef in the world, along the coast of Belize, Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras. This project is focused on the Tela Bay coastal area and its thirteen communities. CORAL is helping them strengthen their local management structures, improve monitoring and enforcement of rules, and find alternative sources of income that will reduce dependence on fish. These interventions will combat overfishing, especially of juvenile fish, allowing more fish to live in the reef and keep the coral free of algae.

The Turing Foundation is contributing €66,000 towards this project (of which, €16,000 in 2022).

See also: Coral Reef Alliance: other projects

Protecting and restoring the Mesoamerican Reef, Honduras
Protecting and restoring the Mesoamerican Reef, Honduras

GreenpeaceDawn Public campaign 'Maak Toekomst', the Netherlands, 2020-2022
The Turing Foundation wants to reach more people and convince them in a positive way to make more conscious and thus better choices which benefit nature and biodiversity. Together with Greenpeace, we have investigated how this can be achieved. The communication agency Dawn has developed a plan for a campaign. We believe we can use this campaign to stimulate a large group of people in a catchy and positive way to make their voices heard and increase the pressure to 'make a future'. We feel that this is the moment to move from consumerism towards a movement ensuring that choices are made at system level for a better future. This will have a lasting impact, ultimately benefiting the earth and, in turn, people.

The Turing Foundation is contributing €1,200,000 towards this campaign and is also doubling third-party contributions towards this campaign up to a sum of €500,000.

See also:
      Greenpeace: other projects
      Other projects in Netherlands

Publiekscampagne 'Maak Toekomst', Nederland, 2020-2021
Publiekscampagne 'Maak Toekomst', Nederland, 2020-2021
