Expansion of the school mentorship programme, Niger, 2021-2023
RAIN has been working on sustainable water and food systems, women's economic development and education in the Agadez region of Niger for nearly 20 years. The organisation has a local team with fourteen members from the region. Turing supported a RAIN female mentorship programme from 2017-2019 in which more children, especially girls, in 22 villages stayed at school and progressed to further education. The results have been positive. A total of 96% passed their primary school exams; this is more than three times the national rate. Female enrolment for secondary schools increased by an impressive 62%. The mentors have started savings and loan groups with other women which are now operating well and independently. The women have gained income and prestige in their community. They will continue fulfilling their role as mentors after the project period. This project is expanding this successful mentorship programme, after much local demand, to 19 new villages in the Agadez region. The Turing Foundation is contributing € 60,000 towards this project (of which, € 20,000 in 2023).
See also:
Expansion of the school mentorship programme, Niger | |
Local leaders to strengthen the education sector, Liberia, 2020-2022
Teach for All is a network organisation with partners in 56 countries. The organisation has developed a model supported by data that aims to achieve more and better leadership in a country to improve the educational situation. Its partner, Teach for Liberia, wants to improve educational opportunities for children in Liberia by selecting promising young talent, training them and getting them to teach a primary school class for two years. All of them are stimulated to develop their leadership skills by taking an active role in the community, participating in local learning circles, and strengthening other teachers' capacity. A network of graduates and other community leaders also stimulates collaboration to achieve structural improvement. The Turing Foundation is contributing €44,000 (of which €22,000 in 2022) to develop a group of eight young people as strong leaders in two years. See also: Other projects in Liberia Local leaders to strengthen the education sector, Liberia | |
Renovation of and teacher training at primary schools, Walungu, South Kivu, D.R. Congo, 2019-2022
ChildFund Germany is one of eleven members of the global ChildFund Alliance and aims to empower children in disadvantaged positions and their families and communities. Together they work in more than 50 countries including D.R. Congo. For this project ChildFund is collaborating with the local organisation Diocesan Justice and Peace Commission Bukavu. They want to renovate three large and important primary schools. Together with Edukans and their local training team, they are also training teachers at 27 schools in an active and child-oriented teaching method (this is another project supported by the Turing Foundation). There is a training session every six months and teachers are given on-the-job coaching. A core team of eleven people, including six teachers, is being taught to become trainers so that training can continue and be expanded after this project. Number of dropouts is expected to decrease and greater pupil and teacher attendance will improve learning outcomes. The Turing Foundation is contributing € 133,000 towards this project (of which, € 13,000 in 2022).
See also:
Renovation of and teacher training at primary schools, Walungu, South Kivu, D.R. Congo | |
Educating and mentoring l'AMI language specialists, Pays Dogon, Mali, 2019-2022
The Partners Pays-Dogon organisation facilitates projects that contribute to regional development in the Dogon country. The Turing Foundation is already supporting a nature conservation project that aims to prevent destruction and stimulate greening in the area and supported this educational project in an earlier phase. Together with their local partner ADI, they introduced the active and child-centred teaching method l'AMI at 42 primary schools. They now want to strengthen this by training 42 'expert teachers' to become self-confident language specialists. They will train other teachers in this method and oversee them to ensure they apply it properly in lessons. The training course takes place annually with refresher days twice a year to refresh the teachers' knowledge and skills. There is a great deal of interest in this project, and there are also other activities to introduce this method to the Malian teacher training course. The Turing Foundation is contributing € 60,000 towards this project (of which, € 10,000 in 2022).
See also:
Educating and mentoring language specialists l'AMI, Pays Dogon, Mali | |
Safer schools, improving education, South Kivu, D.R. Congo, 2020-2022
Street Child, known as Children in Crisis until 2019, has been working since 2007 with its local partner Ebenezer Ministry International (EMI) on the isolated High Plateau in South Kivu to improve education for more than 60,000 children. The Turing Foundation has been supporting this work since 2010. Despite the difficult circumstances, they have persisted in their endeavour to structurally improve education, training more than 1,700 teachers in 314 schools. This project involves extending the programme to an even more difficult area with 90 primary schools. Teacher trainers at 30 secondary schools teach how to train a better and larger group of female teachers. Schools are given assistance to improve their management and generate income. The most vulnerable families receive help to increase their ability to support themselves so that they can keep sending their children to school. The Turing Foundation is contributing € 134,000 towards this project (of which, € 42,000 in 2022).
See also:
Safer schools, improving education, South Kivu, D.R. Congo | |
"Reading Liberia 20/22", Bomi, Margibi en Grand Bassa, Liberia, 2020-2022
The Canadian Organisation for Development through Education (CODE) is committed to combating illiteracy in Liberia. CODE, together with its local partners, is increasing primary school teachers' professional capacity so that they can teach children to read better. They are also stimulating the local children's book sector by publishing and distributing books. The Turing Foundation is supporting the CODE programme in Liberia in 2019 and 2020. In 2019, 95 teachers were trained at sixteen schools, seven books were published, and more than ten thousand reading books were distributed. In the new 2020-2022 programme period, CODE will work with fifteen new schools. It will also start an after-school programme at 25 schools it already works with for a group of 375 older girls in the lowest classes to accelerate their progress to a higher level to prevent them from dropping out. The Turing Foundation is contributing € 100,000 towards this project (of which € 24,000 in 2022).
See also:
"Reading Liberia", Bomi, Margibi en Grand Bassa, Liberia | |
Growing small businesses through apprenticeship training, Pujehun, Sierra Leone, 2020-2022
Action on Poverty UK stimulates employment opportunities for disadvantaged groups in five countries, including Sierra Leone. Turing has previously supported two of their programmes in the country. This project supplements a larger programme strengthening nineteen Community Based Organisations (CBOs) in the disadvantaged district of Pujehun so that members are better able to improve the lives of residents in their community. Among other things, they learn how they can help 38 craftsmen to transfer their skills to young people. CBO members are also taught to train 380 young people in entrepreneurship and literacy. The CBOs are given a rotating fund to manage, which provides loans to graduates to start new businesses or grow existing businesses. Experience from previous programmes shows that this kind of intervention gives a good and lasting boost to villagers' activities and self-reliance. The Turing Foundation is contributing € 50,000 towards this project.
See also:
Community Based Organisation, Action on Poverty, Sierra Leone | |
"The Light of Learning", teacher training and quality improvement, Tahoua en Diffa, Niger, 2018-2021
Concern Worldwide, founded in 1968, is an international humanitarian organisation committed to fighting poverty in the poorest countries, focused on emergency aid, education, HIV/AIDS, health care and livelihoods. The foundation improves education at 54 schools in Niger by creating a safe learning environment for 13,100 children and improving the teaching skills of 280 teachers. Each school formulates and enforces a code of conduct and the children participate in decision making via a child-led council. Concern Worldwide also helps the government provide good teaching materials, train teachers in bilingual education (so that children learn to read better, and increasing parental involvement), give refresher training to teachers, and teach trainers how to monitor learning outcomes. When the project is finished, significantly more children will be able to read fluently, pupils and teachers' presence will be better monitored, and the number of violent incidents will have decreased. The Turing Foundation is contributing €150,000 towards this project (of which, €50,000 in 2021).
See also:
"The Light of Learning", quality improvement at schools, Tahoua en Diffa, Niger | |
Educational improvement for schools, Burkina Faso, 2021
Climbing the Right Tree collaborates closely with the Ghanaian organisation Maxim Nyansa IT Solutions to use information technology in order to increase career opportunities for young Africans. This project involves two motivated schools in Burkina Faso. The schools are being assisted in integrating ICT into the curriculum so that their 1,300 students are better trained for further education or working life. The schools will receive hardware for an ICT room with 20 workplaces and three other classrooms equipped with smartboards, projectors and teacher computers for interactive learning exercises. Teachers will be given intensive training in digital skills and how to transfer them to their students. The Turing Foundation is supporting this project with € 11,400 (2021). See also: Other projects in Burkina Faso Educational improvement for schools, Burkina Faso | |
"Right to Learn", Kono, Kallahun and Kenema, Sierra Leone, 2018-2021
The British NGO Street Child started in 2008 with a small project for 100 street children in Sierra Leone. Street Child has now reached more than 100,000 children in Africa and Asia with its 'Education, Protection and Methodology' programmes. Together with its local partner Street Child of Sierra Leone, Street Child wants to use this project to improve the quality of education for 7,000 pupils at 35 schools and ensure that 1,400 pupils complete their final examinations every year. The 'Distant Learning' programme is giving a total of 50 unqualified teachers official training and recognition as teachers. Three senior teachers at each school receive extra training on the curriculum and general teaching skills. Pupils are given school materials and a classroom is being renovated. Initiatives are also being started to generate an income for the schools. The Turing Foundation is contributing €100,000 towards this project (of which, €13,000 in 2021).
See also:
"Right to Learn", Kono, Kallahun and Kenema, Sierra Leone | |
Play for the Advancement of Quality Education, Mali, 2021
Right to Play was founded in 2000 by Johann Olav Koss. Having witnessed the importance of play for children during a trip to war-ravaged Eritrea in 1993, he started providing children with sports and play equipment. The organisation has integrated elements of play into solid educational programmes, as in this project. It wants to introduce game-based teaching methods at 200 schools in four regions in Mali, which will enhance the learning of 69,000 children. It works closely with government and local organisations that train 1,200 primary school teachers and teacher trainers. Life-skill teaching methods strengthen the teacher-student relationship, which improves the learning environment. Right To Play also develops reading material and organises activities so that children read outside school hours. The Turing Foundation is contributing €20,000 towards this project in 2021. See also: Other projects in Mali Right to Play, Developing Teaching and Learning Materials for Literacy | |
Job Booster social venture, north-western regions, Burkina Faso, 2020-2022
The JobBooster Burkina Faso social venture was founded in 2017 by Woord en Daad. Although Woord en Daad wants the social venture to operate more and more independently over time, it is still closely involved in governance and running the project for now. JobBooster acts as a broker between companies and vocational training courses. Market demand is central, which will increase young people's chances of successful employment and encourage vocational training courses to focus on the necessary skills. JobBooster signs agreements with companies to place young people and gives a donation to the best vocational training course to train young people. More than ten thousand young people have secured a job in this way to date. The Turing Foundation supported the project in 2018 and this contribution for 2020 and 2021 will help it reach the total of 15,000 young people in 2022. The Turing Foundation is contributing € 100,000 towards this project (of which € 50,000 in 2021).
See also:
Job Booster social venture, north-western regions, Burkina Faso | |
Teacher Training on school gardens, Cameroon, 2020-2021
IDAY is a network organisation with members in 19 countries which helps local civil society organisations advocate good education for all children. IDAY-Cameroun was founded in 2010 and has 24 local member organisations. In Cameroon, IDAY is helping 60 schools build school gardens with food crops and medicinal plants, including anti-malarial plants. The teachers learn to use the school gardens for improved and more enjoyable lessons, and the children are better able to learn with a full stomach. The medicinal plants help reduce sickness absence. The first year is starting with six schools, with six teachers being trained by the Belgian organisation Leraars zonder Grenzen (Teachers without Borders). 18 and 36 schools respectively will be added in the subsequent years, with the previous batch of teachers each training two more colleagues. Reduced pupil and teacher absenteeism will eventually improve school results, and 5,280 pupils will benefit from better lessons. The Turing Foundation contributed €37,000 to towards the first phase of this project, and contributes euro; 40.000 to the second phase.
See also:
Teacher Training on school gardens, Cameroon | |
Apprenticeships programme for women in Kenema, Sierra Leone, 2018-2021
The British NGO Action on Poverty specifically focuses on creating jobs for disadvantaged groups in Sri Lanka and four African countries, including Sierra Leone. The Turing Foundation already supported one of its projects in Sierra Leone in the period 2016-2017, which gave a total of 1,200 young people vocational training. Up to now all the graduates have been able to find work, either as an employee or self-employed. This project involves a new group of 200 women selected from a total target group of 3,500 for adult education. For one to one-and-a-half years they get practical lessons from an entrepreneur and then work there or start their own company. The entrepreneurs learn how to provide good training places for this group and for afterwards. Community Based Organisations learn how to bring this training to entrepreneurs. The Turing Foundation is contributing €59,000 towards this project (of which, €19,000 in 2020)
See also:
Apprenticeships program for women in Kenema, Sierra Leone | |
"Rebuilding Young Lives", North Kivu, D.R. Congo, 2019-2021
Chance for Childhood (CfC) has been improving the position of the most vulnerable children in Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and D.R. Congo since 1992. It works bottom-up, with progressive community leaders, local partners and others. Their local partner for projects in North Kivu is Children's Voice. For 6,000 children at ten schools in the north of North Kivu, CfC wants to improve education and create a better learning environment in order to improve their learning outcomes. 1,000 older children will be given the opportunity to participate in accelerated primary education. Teachers are being trained in better teaching methods and a group of 150 children with unique needs will have access to learning support assistants. The Turing Foundation is contributing € 85,000 towards this project (of which € 28,000 in 2021). See also: Other projects in D.R. Congo "Rebuilding Young Lives", North Kivu, D.R. Congo | |
Effective teachers for better learning results, Kinshasa district, D.R. Congo, 2018-2022
Edukans is a Dutch development organisation founded in 2002 and specialised in education for underprivileged children. Together with the organisations Bambale and Tosangana, Edukans is introducing its 'Active Teaching and Learning Methodology' to teacher training at 16 secondary schools. The new teachers can apply this improved teaching method when they start working at primary schools. In addition, 192 working teachers at 48 primary schools are being taught this method. The Turing Foundation already supported the first phase of this project with a contribution of € 150,000. Edukans now aims to quadruple the reach. The Turing Foundation is contributing € 75,000 towards this project (of which, € 10,000 in 2021).
See also:
Effective teachers for better learning results, Kinshasa district | |
Youth at Work, Vocational training, Kalehe, D.R. Congo, 2018-2020
War Child was founded in 1995 to make a positive and lasting change to the lives of children and young people in conflict areas by stimulating education, providing psychosocial care, and protecting them from the effects of war. With this project, which is part of the broader 'Addressing Root Causes' programme, War Child is contributing to the socio-economic reintegration of vulnerable young Congolese people. 120 young people are receiving vocational training, learning about entrepreneurship and, if necessary, receiving literacy training. Twelve instructors are being trained to give good vocational training. 75 graduates are receiving assistance in setting up companies with a network, starting capital and the necessary materials. The other 45 are being assisted in their search for paid employment. The Turing Foundation is contributing €91,000 towards this project (of which, €22,000 in 2020).
See also:
Youth at Work, Vocational training, Kalehe, D.R. Congo | |
Quality Education with local co-investment, North West Region, Cameroon, 2017-2020
The Turing Foundation has been supporting Knowledge for Children with their book programme in Cameroon since 2009. The foundation teaches primary schools how to manage their stock of schoolbooks independently within three years, trains teachers to teach students better, and facilitates new community leaders to ensure good education in the long term. More than 100 schools have now completed this process. This project is focusing on a new group of 21 schools. The Turing Foundation is contributing € 75,000 towards this project (of which, € 25,000 in 2019).
See also:
Quality Education with local co-investment in North West Region of Cameroon | |
Teacher Training - Meaningful Language Skills, Dogon area, Mali, 2016-2019
A consortium of motivated organisations, including Partners Pays Dogon (PPD), provides assistance to the Dogon region. Together with its local partner Association Dogon Initiative (ADI), PPD is improving the quality of education at 45 schools by implementing the active and child-centred teaching method 'l'AMI'. The l'AMI approach works well in the local context and the topics fit with children's perceptions, so the teaching material is absorbed better. Forty teachers a year are trained how to use the method. Fifteen 'expert teachers' are being trained to guide other teachers on-the-job. The Turing Foundation is contributing €45,000 towards this initiative, of which €10,000 in 2019.
See also:
Teacher Training Language Skills, 2015 | |
Good education for all, South Kivu plateau region, D.R. Congo, 2016-2020
Children in Crisis, now merged into Street Child, is a British NGO aiming to give children in some of the world's poorest countries education. Street Child works in places where resources are sparse, education is needed for recovery, and it is too remote for others. Children in Crisis has been helping to improve systematically education in the South Kivu plateau region since 2007. Enrolment has subsequently increased by 11% at the 194 schools, and the pass rate has increased by 18%. This project is in its third phase and aims to further improve the quality of education and continue to increase access to education. An important part of this is improving teacher training at 30 secondary schools. This structurally improves the quality of new primary school teachers. The Turing Foundation is contributing €150,000 towards this project, earmarked for improving the quality of education, of which €25,000 in 2019.
See also:
Good education for all, Plateau of South Kivu, D.R. Congo | |
Quality improvement and continuation vocational education, Cameroon, 2016-2019
The Dutch foundation Babungo has been committed to improving health care and education in the Babungo valley in Cameroon for the last eight years. It provides, among other things, the annual school fees for 274 disadvantaged children. This project includes not only school fees for 20 motivated young people at the technical school, but also training for 20 local artisans by a qualified teacher. They learn how to give pupils a good internship. This increases the exchange between the 'market' and the course, which will improve the quality of the course. The Turing Foundation is contributing €22,500 (50% of the total budget) towards this project.
See also:
Quality improvement and continuation vocational education, Cameroon | |
Betere doorstroom na basisonderwijs voor kinderen in 22 dorpen, Niger, 2017-2019
In the isolated north of Niger, RAIN, a small American organisation with two Nigerien offices, has been working with the local population to improve its future for 15 years. Education is one of its most important programmes, especially girls' education. RAIN uses a mentor programme to pair vulnerable children with women who help them remain at school. In exchange for their guidance, the female mentors receive assistance to improve their socioeconomic position in the form of savings and loans groups and improved livestock farming. With this extra income, the school mentor group can continue independently after four years. The Turing Foundation is contributing € 60,000 towards this project, of which, € 20,000 in 2019.
See also:
Betere doorstroom na basisonderwijs voor kinderen in 22 dorpen, Niger | |
Teacher training at six primary schools, Guinea, 2017-2019
School-to-School International's Whole Child Model provides teaching, as well as health (food and hygiene), and stimulating an engaged community for a better future for the children. To improve education, School-to-School is working with the ministry of education to develop an improved curriculum and better instruction materials for mathematics in years 1 and 2 and for reading in years 3 and 4. Fifteen teachers and six head teachers are being trained during this process. Following this year, the curriculum will be extended to four other schools that School-to-School works with, and hopefully the government will also extend it to many other schools in Guinea. The Turing Foundation is contributing €17,000 towards the training component. See also: Other projects in Guinea Teacher training at six primary schools, Guinée | |
"Reading Liberia 20/20", Bomi, Margibi en Grand Bassa, Liberia, 2019-2020
The Canadian Organization for Development through Education (CODE) is committed to combating illiteracy in Liberia. Based on internationally-recognized best-practice, 'Reading CODE' strengthens the capacity of teachers and librarians which improves their ability to teach children how to read and stimulates the national children's books sector. This is how CODE wants to contribute towards a reading culture. CODE aims to improve the reading skills of 25,000 Liberian children at 60 primary schools by 2020 with this project. Each school will have a library and reading corners with trained educational professionals. Every year workshops about producing appealing children's books are organised for an average of five writers, illustrators and editors. An average of five new children's books are published each year. The Turing Foundation's contribution is not only enabling CODE to continue its work but also to increase its scale so that it is more likely to receive significant institutional support from the Canadian government from 2020 onwards. The Turing Foundation is contributing € 50,000 towards this project (of which € 35,000 in 2019).
See also:
"Reading Liberia 20/20", Bomi, Margibi en Grand Bassa, Liberia | |
Teacher Training on school gardens, Cameroon, 2018-2020
IDAY is a network organisation with members in 19 countries which helps local civil society organisations advocate good education for all children. IDAY-Cameroun was founded in 2010 and has 24 local member organisations. In Cameroon, IDAY is helping 60 schools build school gardens with food crops and medicinal plants, including anti-malarial plants. The teachers learn to use the school gardens for improved and more enjoyable lessons, and the children are better able to learn with a full stomach. The medicinal plants help reduce sickness absence. The first year is starting with six schools, with six teachers being trained by the Belgian organisation Leraars zonder Grenzen (Teachers without Borders). 18 and 36 schools respectively will be added in the subsequent years, with the previous batch of teachers each training two more colleagues. Reduced pupil and teacher absenteeism will eventually improve school results, and 5,280 pupils will benefit from better lessons. The Turing Foundation is contributing €37,000 towards this project (of which, €20,000 in 2019).
See also:
Teacher Training on school gardens, Cameroon | |
Promoting Youth Employability, Dioïla, Mali, 2018-2019
PlanBØRNEfonden is a Danish organisation founded in 1972, which works in four fields in Mali: education, child health, income-generating activities and children's development. PlanBØRNEfonden wants to use this project to improve the employment opportunities of 200 young people in Dioïla. A total of 75 apprentices are doing vocational training for a qualification in, for example, making clothing, electronics or food processing, and 125 young people are doing the practical training course. The young people are learning the skills needed to start a business and make it successful. In addition, 30 trainers are receiving training to improve how they train young people and give them internships. The Turing Foundation is contributing € 98,000 towards this project (of which, € 49,000 in 2019).
See also:
A young baker in front of her oven | |
Strengthening the 'sandwich' educational method in rural Cameroon, 2017-2019
DISOP Cameroon is formalising the sandwich method of teaching in Cameroon. This involves alternating two weeks in the classroom with two weeks of practical experience. This means there is a continuous interchange between market needs and the training requirements, and training is better aligned with the market. Formalising the method in curricula, training and lobbying increases the value of the educational certificate and makes the schools eligible for state aid. The Turing Foundation is contributing €120,000 towards this project, earmarked for the formalisation process and improving the quality of education, of which €24,000 in 2019.
See also:
Strengthening the 'sandwich' educational method in rural Cameroon | |
Job Booster social venture, north-western regions, Burkina Faso, 2018
Woord en Daad was founded in 1973 with the aim of combating poverty and currently works in 26 countries around the world. The Job Booster is a social enterprise that connects companies with vacancies to vocational training courses with young people seeking employment, in order to increase employment opportunities and ensure that the skills acquired are relevant to future employment. Woord en Daad is currently responsible for the Job Booster but wants it to run independently within five years. In 2018, Job Booster will create a database of companies with which it is in contact about job opportunities and conclude agreements with about job placements. 820 trainers at 14 centres are receiving training aimed at improving quality and learning how they can respond to the demand for skills. In addition, Job Booster is stimulating a dialogue with the government to promote policies encouraging employment opportunities for young people. The Turing Foundation is contributing €50,000 towards this project in 2018.
See also:
Job Booster social venture, north-western regions, Burkina Faso | |
Participatory and game based teaching practice for 3,360 children, Burkina Faso, 2017-2018
Association Soeur Emmanuelle (Asmae) is a French development organisation focused on education and children. Asmae works with the local organisation JCCV in Burkina Faso. They want to improve the learning outcomes of 3,360 students at six schools in the outskirts of Ouagadougou by making learning to read easier at and outside the schools. 45 teachers are being given resources and taught better reading methods, government agencies are being involved and a library and reading clubs are being set up with the help of members of the local community. The Turing Foundation is contributing € 85,000 towards this project, earmarked for improving reading and teaching methods, of which € 32,000 in 2018.
See also:
Participatory and game based teaching practice for 3,360 children, Burkina Faso | |
Vocational training for 250 young people, Kono district, Sierra Leone, 2016-2018
Christian Aid has been working in Sierra Leone for more than 20 years with a local team of 24 people and local organisations like the national NGO Network Movement for Justice and Development (NMJD). The organisations have a similar approach: they enable people to improve their own situation. This project will enable 250 young adults in Kono district to receive vocational training. They will be given a training place of their choice at existing workshops in Gbense, Tankoro and Fiama. Practitioners at these workshops are being taught training techniques. This project enables young people to develop a sustainable occupation and offers them an alternative to insecure and deplorable work in mines. The Turing Foundation is donating € 75,000 to this project (about 50% of the total budget).
See also:
Vocational training for 250 young people, Kono district, Sierra Leone, 2016-2018 | |
'Active learning and teaching' at twelve primary schools and three teacher training colleges, Kinshasa, D.R. Congo, 2015-2018
Edukans is a Dutch development organisation dedicated to education. The organisation has developed a training programme to teach teachers to give lessons in an active way, which increases the pupil's learning outcomes. Edukans is working with the Salvation Army and education NGOs in the D.R.Congo to introduce this teaching method to three teacher training colleges and twelve schools. A total of twelve teacher trainers and forty-eight primary school teachers are being trained to disseminate this method more widely and reach at least 4,000 students. The goal is for the teacher training colleges and NGOs to be able to independently carry out the training programme after three years. From the start the government has been involved, in order to get the method implemented on a national level. The Turing Foundation is donating €150,000 to this project (about 40% of the total budget), of which €25,000 in 2018.
See also:
'Active learning and teaching' at twelve primary schools and three teacher training colleges, Kinshasa | |
Improving the learning environment and job opportunities, Haho, Togo, 2017-2018
PlanBØRNEfonden is a Danish organisation which was founded in 1972 and operates in Togo, Mali, Cape Verde, Burkina Faso and Benin in four areas: education, child health, income generating activities and child development. In 2016-2017 the Turing Foundation supported PlanBØRNEfonden in a project that improved 150 young people's job opportunities in Haho, Togo. By continuing this project, PlanBØRNEfonden wants to give this opportunity to more young people in the artisanal sector. For example, 45 'new' artisans are being trained to better educate young people and offer them traineeships, 45 artisans who have already been trained will receive a follow-up course, and young people in 12 youth clubs will be given basic lessons in reading, writing and arithmetic. Combined with additional support after training, this increases these young people's chances of getting a job. The contribution for the period of one year has secured co-financing and gives PlanBØRNEfonden the time to find funding for after this project period. The Turing Foundation is contributing € 40,000 towards this project.
See also:
A young baker in front of her oven | |
Girl-friendly school EAF, Guinée, 2014-2017
The French education organisation Aide et Action is a major international player aiming to improve access to and quality of education in Guinea. It is improving education for 5,000 students at twenty schools in four rural communities in Boké and Kindia, by training teachers and increasing local involvement in the education system. 120 teachers are learning better teaching methods, and also how to develop a more positive towards girls. Local involvement in the education system is increased by formulating, selecting and implementing school projects together with local communities. In addition, these school projects directly contribute to better education by, for instancce, removing obstacles for girls. The Turing Foundation is contributing € 150,000 to this project (of which, € 25,000 in 2017).
See also:
Girl-friendly school EAF, Guinée, 2014-2017 | |
Consolidating twenty Family Farm Schools, Cameroon, 2016-2018
The French development organisation Institut Européen de Coopération et de Développement (IECD) was established in 1988 with the aim of teaching people skills to further their own development and contribute to society. IECD helps the local organisation Coordination Nationale des Ecoles Familiales Agricoles au Cameroun (CNEFAC) independently run the Family Farm Schools (FFS), which were set up by IECD. In two years 700 young people from rural areas have completed the one-year or three-year sustainable agriculture training course at one of the twenty FFSs. The students learn about sustainable farming techniques and management skills at school, which they then apply in practice at 300 farms and agricultural businesses. The Turing Foundation is contributing €30,000 (20% of the budget) towards this project, of which €15,000 in 2017.
See also:
Consolidating twenty Family Farm Schools, Cameroon | |
Education programme, Tahoua district, Niger, 2015-2017
Concern International is a humanitarian organisation with international offices in Ireland, Great Britain and the US and local teams in the twenty-five countries where it operates. Concern has been working in Niger since 2003. Concern is shifting its focus in Niger from building classrooms and facilities to improving teaching quality. Teaching materials are developed and teachers receive training to improve their teaching e.g. using video technology and mother tongue based education during the first school years. Concern encourages increased community and government involvement by setting up school management committees and by giving education inspectors guidance when carrying out their work. Together with schools, teachers and parents they formulate rules of conduct, in order to achieve a safe and egalitarian school environment. The Turing Foundation is contributing a total of €150,000 (of which €50,000 in 2017). Furthermore, this contribution has been matched by another donor, doubling the amount.
See also:
Education programme in the district of Tahoua, Niger | |
'Good schools, safe schools', Walungu, D.R. Congo, 2016-2017
War Child aims to make a positive and lasting change to the lives of children and young people in conflict zones by promoting education, amongst others. In Walungu, in the east of DR Congo, War Child provides 3000 students in six primary schools with a good education in a safe and protective learning environment. A better learning environment reduces absenteeism and fewer children have to repeat year. War Child supports these six schools in their efforts to become what they call 'good schools'. School committees, teachers, students and parents together determine what makes their school a 'good school' and make a concrete action plan to achieve this. The Turing Foundation is contributing €100,000 to this project (of which, €50,000 in 2017).
See also:
'Good schools, safe schools', Walungu, D.R. Congo | |
Enhancing Quality Education in three rural primary schools, Kono district, Sierra Leone, 2014-2016
ActionAid is an international development organisation that aims to improve access to and quality of education because it believes this as a fundamental human right. It operates in 45 countries, including Sierra Leone. In Sierra Leone ActionAid is improving the quality of education for 850 children at three primary schools by training teachers in better teaching techniques with better teaching materials. School management is also being improved using trainings and by strengthening its position in relation to educational authorities. Girls are disadvantaged and often unsafe in and around school, which is being addressed by raising awareness on radio shows, organising specific workshops and setting up girls' clubs. The Turing Foundation is contributing € 95,000 to make this project possible (of which, € 20,000 in 2016). See also: Other projects in Sierra Leone Girls in front of the new Junior Secondary School, constructed with the support of ActionAid. Kono District, Sierra Leone | |
Teacher training and a community-led library, Bameli Village, Cameroon, 2015-2016
The AgriDynamic Foundation is committed to improving school performance by training teachers and providing better teaching materials. After the good results of an earlier project supported by the Turing Foundation in Bamessing, AgriDynamic is expanding its activities to another village: Bameli. Establishing a library with all the necessary textbooks and training teachers will enable the 1,270 children from four primary schools to learn better. The availability of teaching materials and the use of more active teaching methods improve students' school performance, lowers the number of children who repeat a year and decreases dropout rates. The Turing Foundation contributes €17,000 towards capacity building and training teachers 'on the job'.
See also:
Teacher training and a community led library, Bameli Village, Kameroen, 2015 | |
Teacher Training Rural Primary Education, Tambakha, Sierra Leone, 2014-2016
Street Child is dedicated to make quality education available for the most vulnerable children in Sierra Leone, and so far they have reached 20,000 children in 30 locations throughout the country already. By training 100 teachers and building 20 basic educational facilities in 60 communities in the northern region of Tambakha, the foundation will reach 4,000 children. The teacher trainee programme/course takes three years to complete, and leads to a government qualification. The Turing Foundation contributes € 90,000 (25% of the total budget).
See also:
Teacher Training Rural Primary Education, Tambakha, Sierra Leone | |
Improvement of educational quality at 8 schools, Kalehe, Kabare en Walungu, D.R. Congo, 2012-2015
War Child is devoted to giving children who have experienced war a peaceful future. War Child wants 3,000 children aged between 11-14 years old in the conflict-ridden district of East Kivu to pass their national exams as soon as possible. To that end, teachers, directors and school inspectors are being trained to improve the quality of education, and schoolbooks and teaching material are being purchased. The organisation will also be setting up child-friendly revenue-generating activities to pay for the children's tuition. From 2012-2015, the Turing Foundation will be donating a total of € 105,000 to the project.
See also:
Improvement of educational quality at 8 schools, Bukavu, Walungu, Kamituga, D.R. Congo | |
Access to quality education in Kailahun District, Sierra Leone, 2013-2015
In Sierra Leone, the number of children receiving an education is extremely low, and especially girls are often not going to school at all. This research project set up by Plan Nederland will allow 1,500 children to receive quality education. One of the express goals of the project is to realize a 50% participation level for girls. The project consists of the building of a school, and trainings for 50 teachers, 75 government employees, and the school management. On top of that, parent committees will be founded, and the project will be creating local awareness on the importance of the education of children and girls in particular. The Turing Foundation will be donating € 145,000 towards the realization of quality education for 1,500 children (€ 45,000 in 2015).
See also:
Access to quality education in Kailahun District, Sierra Leone | |
Schoolbook project for primary schools, Cameroon, 2013-2015
Knowledge for Children supports rural schools in Northwest Cameroon in setting up a proper book collection as well as a teacher training for the effective use of books in education. A book fund is also being realized, so the schools will be able eventually to manage and add to the book collection themselves. Knowledge for Children wants to improve the level of education for primary-school pupils (6-14 years old). After a very successful first phase, Knowledge for Children wants to accelerate the expansion of the program so by 2015, 200 schools have access to books. In the meantime, teachers and teaching assistants are offered on-the-job trainings, and a pilot involving two mobile libraries will be started. The Turing Foundation previously donated € 90,000 to the successful first phase of the project, and supports the next three years with € 90.000 (€20.000 of which in 2015).
See also:
Schoolbooks for a primary school in Northwest Cameroon, Turing Project Visit, March 2012 | |
Accelerated educational programme for 900 children in Ménaka district, Mali, 2015-2016
Netherlands Refugee Foundation (Stichting Vluchteling) gives refugees emergency aid, supports repatriation and helps with reconstruction, including in the field of education. Unrest in Ménaka in northern Mali has deprived 8,000 children of education. The project's Accelerated Learning Programme is enabling 900 children to learn the course material they have missed in a short time and then to participate in regular education in the 2015-16 academic year. 210 members of school management committees are being trained and supported to perform their role well, 30 learning centres have been made available by the communities and 30 teachers are being trained to be able to give these children the learningNetherlands Refugee Foundation programme. The Turing Foundation contributes €50,000 for project materials and training. See also: Other projects in Mali Accelerated learning programme for 900 children in the district of Ménaka, Mali | |
Making two teacher training schools self-sufficient in Parakou, Benin, 2015-2016
The Hubi & Vinciane Foundation supports regional development around the city of Parakou (central Benin) through projects in health, economic (agricultural) development and education. Since its inception six years ago, Hubi & Vinciane has supported two teacher training schools. In part thanks to a grant from the Turing Foundation in 2013, the quality of education was improved for 550 students in 2013. This final investment in better facilities means that the number of students can be increased to 800. Which puts both schools on a sustainable financial footing, and they are no longer dependent on foreign donors. In addition, there will be more qualified teachers at schools, which will improve pupils' education. The Turing Foundation contributes €19,000 towards this project, which covers 50% of the total budget.
See also:
Making two teacher training schools self-sufficient in Parakou | |
Revolving library and teacher training, Bamessing, Kameroen, 2014-2015
To help improve school results, the AgriDynamic Foundation arranges better teaching materials and facilities in Cameroon. After a successful pilot at a primary school in Bamessing, AgriDynamic has decided to scale to 6 other primary schools. By setting up a revolving library, 1760 children will have access to teaching materials. 32 teachers will be trained to teach actively and interactively. In doing so, the foundation expects better school results (an 80% graduation rate rather than 60%) and fewer dropouts (5% instead of 20%). The Turing Foundation contributes € 10,500 for teaching materials and training.
See also:
Revolving library en teacher training, Bamessing, Kameroen | |
Education for 900 vulnerable girls in Paynesville, Monrovia en Kakata, Liberia, 2013-2015
Liberia is one of the focus countries of Save the Children. After years of emergency relief, the foundation is now working on structural education and health programs. For this project, Save the Children and local NGO THINK want to offer 900 underprivileged girls an accelerated two-year program, after which they'll able to continue a formal (vocational) education. To this end, special drop-in centers will be set up and 30 teachers will be trained. The Turing Foundation will donate a total of € 100,000 (€ 50.000 in 2014) so that the program can be made available to 900 girls.
See also:
Education for 900 vulnerable girls in Liberia | |
Speed schools and teacher training, Burkina Faso, 2011-2014
Woord en Daad and partner organization CREDO have established dozens of so-called speed schools in Burkina Faso. These schools offer children aged 9-12 who haven't enjoyed any education an opportunity to catch up with elementary education after all. The speed schools offer the first 3 years of elementary education in a 9-month period, taught to classes of 30 children at the most. After that, the children can enter regular elementary school. The Turing Foundation already contributed to 10 speed schools. The project is now expanded to include 20 CREDO speed schools a year in the Kadiogo province, and teacher training for teachers working at schools that accept speed-school children. Up to and including 2014, the Turing Foundation will contribute € 100,000 to the project (€ 35.000 in 2013), which will cover 50% of the costs for the CREDO speed schools and teacher training.
See also:
Speed school, Project visit Turing Foundation, Burkina Faso | |
Vocational training for supervisors after-school activities, Tillaberi, Niger, 2012-2013
Oxfam Novib is an international organization that has made Niger one of their focus countries, because it's receiving relatively little developing aid. With the help of local partner MCE, Oxfam Novib wants to improve the quality of education in the Tillaberi region. Part of the program involves training youths who haven't been able to finish their education for whatever reason to become supervisors at after-school activities. The training offers them a chance for a better future, and school children get the chance to learn skills in the field of agriculture and cattle breeding, which will prepare them for their lives after school. MCE wants to expand this successful concept to other parts of Niger. In 2012 and 2013, the Turing Foundation will donate a total of € 50,000 (€ 25.000 in 2013) for the vocational training for 160 supervisors, and towards making the after-school activities at ten schools financially independent.
See also:
Children at school in Tillaberi, Niger, 2012 | |
Improvement of primary and vocational education, Equatorial Province, D.R. Congo, 2011-2013
Congodorpen wants to contribute to recovering and setting up education in the north of the Equatorial Province, D.R. Congo. During a previous three-year phase of the project, the quality of education was improved at 22 schools (6 elementary schools, 11 secondary schools and 5 vocational institutes. They are now expanding the project to 27 schools and 5 literacy centres reaching a total 15,000 students. Training is offered to improve school management and supervision as well as the skills of the teaching staff. Teaching material is also provided, and school buildings are renovated if necessary. Up to and including 2014, the Turing Foundation will contribute € 105,000 to the project (€ 30,000 of which in 2013).
See also:
A lesson in clockreading, Pio Institute, Bwamanda, D.R. Congo | |
Teacher training and school expansion, Toungana, Burkina Faso, 2011-2013
The Association for Small African Projects (ASAP) focuses on the improvement of the well-being of inhabitants of 9 poor villages in Western Burkina Faso. In 2011, teachers from the villages and their surrounding areas will receive refresher courses and will be taught new teaching methods. On top of that, the elementary school in the village of Toungana (40 miles east of Bobo Dioulasso) will be equipped with three extra classrooms, teacher houses, toilets and school furniture. Construction activities will be spread over 3 years. Educational authorities have committed to providing an extra teacher every year. The Turing Foundation contributes € 45,000 (€ 10.000 in 2013), covering 100% of the teacher training and 50% of construction costs.
See also:
Teacher training and school expansion, Toungana, Burkina Faso | |
Technical school, Kara, Togo, 2013
SOS-Kinderdorpen helps orphans and abandoned children in developing countries find loving families to grow up with. Worldwide, SOS Kinderdorpen has set up 105 local vocational training centers where youths can work on becoming financially independent. To help Kara youth, the foundation has opened a technical school offering 3-year technical vocational trainings. Every teacher that’s hired will be receiving a week of extra training in pedagogy and other skills. The school can admit a total of 245 students. In 2013, the Turing Foundation will be donating € 30,000 to guarantee the batch of students of 2013.
See also:
Technical school in Kara, Togo 2013 | |
Education Quality Improvement Programme, Machakos, Mwala and Gilgil district, Kenya, 2011-2013
Build Africa focuses on education and income-generating programmes in Kenya and Uganda. In Central Kenya, Build Africa works at more than 20 rural schools to improve the quality of education by means of school management and teacher training, improvement of infrastructure and supply of study materials. Up to and including 2013, the Turing Foundation will contribute € 130,000 to the training activities (€ 40,000 of which will be donated in 2013). See also: Other projects in Kenya Education Quality Improvement Programme, Kenia | |
Improvement of education at 8 primary schools, East and Adamawa Region, Cameroon, 2011-2013
Since 2007, the border of Cameroon's East Region has been host to over 100,000 refugees from the Central African Republic. In collaboration with the Cameroon Red Cross and Plan International Cameroon, the UN High Commission for Refugees wants to improve education at 8 primary schools open to both locals and refugees. The program involves training new teachers, improving school buildings, providing furniture and teaching material, and will focus especially on access to education for girls. Up to and including 2013, the Turing Foundation contributes € 120,000 to this project. See also: Other projects in Cameroon Refugees from the Central African Republic fetching water from the oldest well of Gbiti, Cameroon | |
Vocational teacher training at 2 schools, Parakou, Benin, 2013
The Hubi en Vinciane Foundation strives to improve the standard of living of the people living in the Borgou department in Benin. In the area surrounding Parakou, only 12 percent of teachers has a qualification. Since all teachers are sure of a job and receive a fixed government salary, many young people want to become teachers. The training consists of a year of classes and a one-year internship. For 2013, Hubi and Vinciane plan to invest in two teacher trainings by paying for extra training for current teachers, scholarships for underprivileged youths, libraries, and school furniture and teaching materials. By doing so, Benin can look forward to approximately 550 new qualified teachers every year that can get started right away. The Turing Foundation will contribute € 20,000 to the improvement of the quality of 2 teacher trainings.
See also:
Vocational teacher training at 2 schools in Benin, 2013 | |
Upgrading five vocational training centres, Kenya, 2010-2012
VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas) sends professional experts to developing countries to share their knowledge with local organisations, so these can do their work more effectively. In Kenya, VSO will be working on the quality and relevance of vocational training at five vocational training centres. Over a period of three years, teachers and school management will be trained, the new government curriculum will be implemented, and the centres will be working towards a better offer of internship placements. From 2010-2012, the Turing Foundation contributes € 120,000 to this cause (€ 40.000 of which in 2012).
See also:
VSO vocational training, Kenya, 2010-2012 | |
Construction of four classrooms, Kwale district, Kenia, 2012-2013
Kids in Kenia was founded to support local initiatives in the field of education in Kenya. The foundation supports the Vitsangalaweni primary school in the poor Kwali district in Southeast Kenya. Kids in Kenia improves the quality of education by providing clean drinking water, classrooms, teacher training, sanitary fittings, textbooks and school furniture. Parents have constructed four temporary loam-and-wood classrooms for the Vitsangalaweni primary school, but two of them are too unsafe, due to which classes are now being taught in the open air. As part of the total improvement of the school, Kids in Kenia wants to construct four safe classrooms. In 2012, the Turing Foundation will be donating € 15,000 to this project.
See also:
Construction of four classrooms, Kwale district, Kenia | |
Solar-powered computer labs, Mbekenyera en Liwale, Tanzania, 2012-2013
The Ukengee foundation is creating solar-powered computer labs at secondary schools in the Lindi district in Tanzania. Following a successful pilot at two secondary schools in 2009, it is now the foundation's goal to equip 35 computer labs at secondary schools in Lindi over the next 10 years. Ukengee also takes care of maintenance and teacher training. The foundation wants to improve the quality of all secondary education in the Lindi district. The computer labs are open to the local community and are also used for non-students. The Turing Foundation will contribute to the realization of two computer labs, one in Mbekenyera (875 students), and one in Liwale (623 students). Including these two new labs, Ukengee will reach a total of 8,000 people. The Turing Foundation will donate a total of € 30,000 for the realization of the two computer labs in Mbekenyera and Liwale.
See also:
Solar-powered computer lab, Liwale, November 2012, Tanzania | |
Construction of a secondary school, Sazué, Benin, 2012-2013
The Le Pont foundation is active in the field of education, healthcare, water and sanitation in Benin. The Turing Foundation has already funded the construction of a school by the Le Pont foundation three times before. Now, Le Pont wants to construct a secondary school in Sazué, train its teachers, offer school lunches to improve the children's concentration, and lay out school gardens. In 2012, the Turing Foundation will contribute € 15,000 to the project.
See also:
The current situation in Sazué | |
Teacher training in South Kivu, D.R. Congo, 2010-2012
Children in Crisis is a British NGO that works on educational projects in post-conflict zones such as D.R. Congo, Sierra Leone and Liberia. In South Kivu, D.R. Congo, 172 head masters and 1034 teachers will be trained, school curricula will be developed and teaching materials will be spread in the coming few years, all this to structurally improve the level of education and school results. The Turing Foundation contributes € 120,000 to the project (€ 40.000 in 2012).
See also:
Teacher training in South Kivu, D.R. Congo | |
School book project for primary schools, Northwest Cameroon, 2010-2012
Knowledge for Children supports rural schools in Northwest Cameroon by building up a decent book stock and effectively using books as an instructional tool in education. A book fund will also be set up in order for the schools to eventually manage and supplement the book stock themselves. With its activities, Knowledge for Children aims at improving the level of education for primary school children between the ages of 6 and 14. The Turing Foundation contributes about € 90.000 to this project, of which € 30.000 in 2012.
See also:
School books for a primary school in Northwest Cameroon, Turing Project Visit, March 2012 | |
Teacher training and school leaders' course, Southeast Kenya, 2012
Twice a year, Teachers4Teachers organizes trainings by Dutch educational professionals meant for principals, teachers and educational officials in Kenya. The training's aim is to contribute to teachers' professional skills, so as to improve education as well as stimulate children's performance at school. The foundation is also developing a two-year training for principals to be taught at the Shanzu Teacher Training College in Mombasa. The Turing Foundation already supported this program in 2011 and will increase its contribution to € 88,740 for 2012. This amount will cover 50% of training costs for two years, for both teachers and school managers. See also: Other projects in Kenya School leaders' course, Southeast Kenya | |
Marera Primary School Project, Tanzania, 2012
In Tanzania, the Rhotia Valley Foundation offers shelter for 36 orphans in three family homes, and uses a tourist lodge as an environment for a learning and employment project generating income for the family homes. The foundation also focuses on the improvement of the quality of education at Marera primary School, teaching 430 children. In 2011, school buildings have been renovated, school books were purchased, and teachers were trained how to implement laptops in education in light of the One Laptop per Child program. For 2012, extra teaching material is needed. The school would also like to offer a school breakfast and invest in a vegetable garden and livestock, the profit of which can be used for the realization of the school breakfast. The Turing Foundation will be supporting both the school breakfast and investments in the vegetable garden and livestock with a contribution of € 15,000 in 2012.
See also:
School Breakfast, Marera primary School, Tanzania | |
Teacher training in Northern Cameroon, 2010-2012
VSO sends out vocational specialists to developing countries in Africa and Asia who can share their knowledge and experience with local organisations, helping them to do their work in a more efficient way. The project that will run in Northern Cameroon for the coming three years means that four specialists will develop training modules for teachers, headmasters, parents' councils and civil servants serving education. Moreover, several activities are organised to make education more accessible to girls. The Turing Foundation contributes € 90,000 (€ 30,000 in 2012).
See also:
Teacher training in Far North Region, Cameroon | |
Teacher Training, Kenia en Tanzania, 2010-2011
In Kenya and Tanzania, Terre des Hommes is working with local partners to improve the quality of secondary education at government schools. Teachers are being trained in modern teaching methods, exam methods and the subjects mathematics, geography, chemistry and English. In Kenya 100 teachers will be trained over a period of 4 years, starting with two-day modules throughout the year that are repeated and elaborated on every year. In Tanzania, 40 teachers will be trained every year during a three-week summer course. The Turing Foundation is contributing € 27,000 to the project. Update july 2011: The project's outcome has been disappointing. In Mara, Tanzania for example, only 20 teachers have been trained instead of 40, and teacher training in Turkana, Kenya were given by local teachers instead of professionals from Nairobi. As a result, the costs have turned out to be lower than was previously expected, so our donation has been lowered from € 27,000 to € 11,284.
See also:
New teaching tools, Kenia en Tanzania | |
Teacher Training Electricity & Renewable Energy, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2011
The Kram Ngoy Centre is a vocational training centre in Phnom Penh where 100 youths a year are trained to be electricians. The centre is currently short on qualified teachers. In the next two years, the ETC Technical Training Programme will be training eight people in didactics and up-to-date technical knowledge regarding electricity and renewable energy. New teaching material is also being developed for the Kram Ngoy Centre. In 2010 and 2011, the Turing Foundation covers about 40% of all project costs (€ 47,635, of which € 22.635 in 2011).
See also:
Teacher Training Electricity & Renewable Energy, Phnom Penh, Cambodia | |
Teacher training and construction of a secondary school, Gbadagui, Benin, 2011-2012
In Benin, the Le Pont Foundation takes an active part in improving education, healthcare, water and sanitation. Previously, the Turing Foundation contributed to Le Pont Foundation's construction of two primary schools. Now, Le Pont wants to set up a secondary school in Gbadagui, as well as train 80 schoolmasters in school management, pedagogy and administration. In 2011, the Turing Foundation will contribute € 14,000 to the project.
See also:
One of the other schools built by Le Pont in Benin | |
Renovation and expansion of vocational training center, Kisantu, D.R. Congo 2010-2011
The Bambale Foundation focuses on education, agriculture and health in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In Kisantu, the foundation wants to renovate the school building and expand the Institut Technique Médicale de Kintanu, a medical vocational nurse training. The school management will also be trained on organizational and business economical skills. In 2010, the Turing Foundation will contribute € 33,000 to these activities.
See also:
Renovation and expansion of vocational training center, Kisantu | |
Construction and equipment of the secondary school and teacher training, Kainam, Tanzania 2008-2010
The Kamitei Foundation invests in primary and secondary education for rural youths in Tanzania. Kamitei provides facilities and goods, but also offers trainings and incentives for teachers, help with budgeting and planning, et cetera. Like previous years, the Turing Foundation will contribute € 30,000 to the building and furnishing of the first secondary school in Kainam, Tanzania as well as teacher training (making up around 30% of the project's budget).
See also:
First graduation secondary school Kainam, September 2011 | |
Teacher Training solar enegry systems, Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, 2010-2011
At the request of six technical schools in Bobo Dioulasso, the ETC Technical Training Programme will be training 26 Electricity/Electrical Engineering teachers in solar energy systems. After the training, the teachers will be able to install, maintain and repair a solar energy system as well as pass on their knowledge to their students. Every year, the 6 schools have a total of between 650 and 700 students taking the Electricity/Electrical Engineering course. In 2010, the Turing Foundation will contribute € 15,400.
See also:
Teacher Training solar energy at 6 technical schools, Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso | |
Improvement of primary and vocational education, Equatorial Province, D.R. Congo, 2010
Congodorpen contributes to the recovery and building up of education in the Equatorial Province, D.R. Congo. During a three-year project, 22 schools will be working on educational improvement (6 primary schools, 11 secondary schools and 5 vocational training institutes). There will be trainings to improve school management and teacher skills. Teaching material will be distributed as well and where needed, school buildings will be renovated. In 2010, the Turing Foundation will contribute € 30,000.
See also:
Improving quality of primary education and vocational training, Equatorial Province, D.R. Congo | |
Extra classrooms and teacher training, Bona, Burkina Faso, 2010
The Association for Small African Projects labours to improve the welfare of inhabitants of nine poor villages in Western Burkina Faso. In 2010, teachers of the nine villages and the surrounding area will be trained further in modern teaching techniques. Apart from that, the elementary school in the village of Bona will be expanded by three news classrooms, toilets and two teacher's houses. In 2010, the Turing Foundation contributes € 30,000 to the teachers training programme and the expansion of the school.
See also:
Extra classrooms and teacher training, Bona, Burkina Faso | |
Technical and vocational training, Nyonko and Fada N'Gourma, Burkina Faso, 2009
By boosting technical training, ETC's Technical Training Programme focuses on human resource development and capacity building in developing countries. The ETC ("Educational Training Consultants") has included two technical and vocational training institutes in Burkina Faso in its programme. Etablissement Gabriel Taborin is located in Nyonko, a suburb of the capital Ouagadougou. Among other things, four additional classrooms are being built there. The Centre Formation Professionelle is located in the town of Fada N'Gourma in eastern Burkina Faso. One of the projects here is to renovate the wiring. Both schools are also being offered teacher training and management consultancy programmes. By contributing €50,000 the Turing Foundation will finance one half of the project costs.
See also:
Technical and vocational training in Nyonko and Fada N'Gourma, Burkina Faso |