750 Trees for the City, Amsterdam, 2024-2025
A group of Amsterdam-based foundations and companies are donating 750 trees to celebrate Amsterdam's 750th anniversary. The trees are a contribution towards the city's greening efforts and represent a sustainable legacy for future generations. The donation of 750 new trees has been a meticulously planned process. The estimated cost of each roughly four-metre-tall tree is € 3,500, which includes careful selection, planting and maintenance in the coming years by the nursery. The idea for this donation came about years ago during brainstorming sessions leading up to Amsterdam 750. The trees will be presented during the "...Op De Ring!" Festival in summer 2025. Then they will be planted in 750 empty tree pits throughout the city, enhancing Amsterdam's green spaces for generations to come. The Turing Foundation is contributing €250,000 towards this project. See also: Other projects in Netherlands 750 Trees for the City, Amsterdam, 2024-2025 | |
Museum Het Spinozahuis exhibition, Rijnsburg, 2024-2025
Museum Het Spinozahuis is using powerful, innovative means to appeal to a broad range of people: interested laypeople (day-trippers, tourists), specialists and students. It makes philosophical themes accessible to a broad public. The museum is updating its permanent exhibition, focusing principally on the experience of this authentic place. Furthermore, the connection between Spinoza's ideas and current events will feature prominently. As part of the museum's educational mission, visitors - young and old, individual and in groups - are challenged to apply Spinoza's thinking to contemporary societal issues. The exhibition will be developed between February 2024 and June 2025. The Turing Foundation is contributing € 50,000 (of which € 25,000 in 2024).
See also:
Museum Het Spinozahuis, Rijnsburg | |
'Mondriaan - Schilder met een boodschap', Uitgeverij IJzer, 2023
Piet Mondrian (1872-1944) was one of the most important artists in the twentieth century. He played a leading role in the international avant garde and the development from realistic to abstract art. Mondrian wrote a great deal about his work and techniques, often as essays. The artist left behind around 120 essays from the period 1914-1944, written in Dutch, French and English. This work is relatively unknown in the Netherlands, which is why author and Mondrian expert Louis Veen has translated or retranslated ten essential essays and published them together with commentary and context at publisher Ijzer. The author wants to cast light on the thinking behind the paintings: 'Mondrian's abstract paintings are more meaningful to us when we know the contents of his essays. Particularly in Mondrian's work 'knowing more is seeing more'. The Turing Foundation is contributing € 3,200 towards this publication, which will be published around October 2023.
See also:
'Mondriaan - Schilder met een boodschap', Uitgeverij IJzer | |
'Telescope' translation competition, Netherlands Association of Teachers of Living Languages, 2020
The American poet Louise Glück (New York, 1943) was awarded the 2020 Nobel Prize for Literature on 10 December 2020. She is one of the leading poets in the United States, but only a few of her poems have been translated into Dutch. The Netherlands Association of Teachers of Living Languages has organised a translation competition for secondary school pupils. There is a €200 prize and various other prizes for the best translation of the poem 'Telescope' (from her 2006 collection, Averno). The best translations will be published, including on scholieren.com. The Turing Foundation contributed €500 towards this translation competition, which was from 1 November to 1 December 2020.
See also:
| |
Wildlife Ranger Challenge, Malawi, 2020
The Tusk Foundation organised the Wildlife Ranger Challenge on 3 October 2020 to raise additional funds for ranger teams which have continued their important conservation work despite the loss of tourism revenue due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 70 teams participated across the globe; fully kitted out, they competed virtually with each other, running 21 kilometres on the same day. To encourage the Nyika Park ranger team in Malawi, which the Turing Foundation is currently supporting, the Turing Foundation matched the donations they raised. The Turing Foundation is donating € 800 in 2020 via the Tusk Foundation to the Nyika Park ranger team in Malawi. See also: Peace Parks Foundation: other projects | |
Grant to Stichting Bio Child Rehabilitation, Arnhem, 2019
Stichting Bio was established in 1927 by the Dutch cinema industry. The foundation enables children with multiple disabilities to go on an affordable holiday with their families in specially adapted holiday bungalows with the necessary facilities. The Turing Foundation is contributing € 54,000 towards this initiative. See also: Other projects in Netherlands Stichting Bio, 2019 | |
Disrupting illegal ape trade, Indonesia, 2019
The Wildlife Justice Commission (WJC)'s mission is to disrupt and help dismantle transnational organised criminal networks trading in wildlife, timber and fish. The WJC conducts intelligence-led undercover investigation and shares its findings with law enforcement authorities to facilitate the arrests of trafficker and seizures of the illegal wildlife products. In October 2017, the WJC began Operation Caesar, investigating the trafficking of primates from Malaysia to the Middle East. Since then the WJC facilitated the arrest of a high-level trafficker and the seizure of infant orangutans. The high-speed of trade highlights the accessibility of the network and the constant demand for orangutans. This also means that the WJC has to react with extreme swiftness to obtain results and to preserve the lives of orangutans, making Operation Caesar one of the most challenging investigations for the WJC. The Turing Foundation is making a one-off contribution of € 10,000 towards this project in 2019.
See also:
Disrupting illegal ape trade, Indonesia | |
Save the Antillean Iguana, 2018
The Stichting Ravon foundation, together with STENAPA (St.Eustatius National Parks) 2>, the CNSI (Caribbean Netherlands Science Institute), DCNA (Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance) and Diergaarde Blijdorp zoo, is organising the project 'Save the Antillean Iguana'. The Turing Foundation is supporting this project with a contribution of €1.000. Antillean Iguana | |
Release of all music from 'Hamelen', 2018
All the music from the television series Do you know the way to Hamelin, Sir?, the tapes of which had been partially erased, was released on six CDs in 2018 entitled "Er is een lied dat komt en dat gaat" (There is a Song that comes and goes). The Turing Foundation supported the Stichting Dwarz met een zetje foundation's production of the CD box with €1,500. Nowadays the foundation's policy is limited exclusively to live music performances. See also: Other projects in Netherlands | |
Bijdrage Birdlife Nederland, 2017
In 2017 organiseerde de Vogelbescherming Nederland de campagne 'De Grote Karekiet’. De Turing Foundation droeg € 1,925 bij aan deze campagne. See also: Other projects in Netherlands The Great Karekite | |
Special study and research projects, Amsterdam, 2014
The ASC Academy helps students in their personal development by contributing to special study or research projects in the Netherlands and abroad. Whilst the Turing Foundation generally restricts itself to educational projects in a number of focus countries in West Africa, it is making a one-off contribution of € 10,000 towards the launch of this initiative. See also: Other projects in Netherlands | |
Nature Education, Ecomare Summer Camps, Texel, 2014-2016
Texel-based Ecomare is a nature museum, seal shelter, sea aquarium, dune park, and bird sanctuary. Led by expert staff, the summer camps are a unique way for children to get acquainted with nature. The Turing Foundation will contribute a total of € 7,500 to these summer camps. Nature projects in the Netherlands are no longer among the objectives of the Turing Foundation. See also: Other projects in Netherlands Ecomare | |
Release of old episodes 'Hamelen', 2013
A number of VHS recordings of the deleted television series 'Kunt u mij de weg naar Hamelen vertellen, mijnheer?' (Do you know the way to Hamelin, Sir?) will be transferred to DVD and then rereleased by Digimode in 2013. It concerns episodes 25-39 from 1975. Producer Han Peekel will be making a program on the history of the most popular television series of the Netherlands in the seventies. The Turing Foundation will support the production of the program by Stichting MediaGeheugen (media memory foundation) with a 6,000-euro donation. See also: Other projects in Netherlands "Kunt u mij de weg naar Hamelen vertellen, mijnheer?" 1972-1976 | |
Veterinary theater equipment for Laos Bear Sanctuary, 2012-2013
Free the Bears saves bears in Laos from smugglers who want to make lots of money on their gall. The Turing Foundation will donate € 10,000 to the Free the Bears Foundation for the purchase of some high-priority items for the veterinary operating theatre in Laos: ultrasound equipment, dart guns, and surgical tools.
See also:
Cham-Pa, saved from smugglers, Laos | |
Film adaptation 'Een heel lief konijn', 2011
Imme Dros' absurdist story of 'Een heel lief konijn'(A Very Sweet Rabbit) is moving in a cheerful way. A woman discovers she's growing bunny ears and starts doubting herself, her relationship and her surroundings. Everyone wants to be seen, loved and needed. It's this theme, which Dros used in a children's book, that director Camiel Schouwenaar will be using for a film for grownups.
See also:
Een Heel Lief Konijn, the movie | |
Major repairs and improvements at Institut Zamenhof, Lomé, Togo, 2011
In 2004, the School in Togo Foundation built a private high standard school for primary and secondary education in Lomé, Togo. In 2008, with the help of the Turing Foundation, a four-classroom wing was added to the school. By now, the school is teaching 475 children, who score extremely well on exams. Seven years after the school's opening, the building needs improvement and major repairs are urgent. The School in Togo Foundation will be responsible for the build-up of a reserve for major repairs. As an exception, the Turing Foundation will contribute € 10,000 for major repairs in 2010. Current policy demands that building projects include a plan for future maintenance.
See also:
Institut Zamenhof, Lomé, Togo | |
School in Tha Thon, Northern Thailand, 2009
The Pon Foundation teaches children of local tribes in the region of Tha Thon in Northern Thailand the official Thai language, so that these children can consequently move on to regular education. The Turing Foundation pays a once-only contribution of € 6,000 for the support of this special initiative. Today, Thailand falls outside our geographical focus. Pon-school Under Construction in Northern Thailand | |
Tuition Fees for HIV-Infected Orphans, Rayong, Thailand, 2008
The Turing Foundation paid a once-only donation of € 5,000 for the support of the Friends of Camillian Social Center which provides tuition fees for HIV or AIDS-infected Orphans in Rayong, Thailand. Today, the Turing Foundation rather aims at general education than at education for special target groups. Moreover, the Turing Foundation now concentrates on certain focus countries, not including Thailand. VCSC visiting the Camillian Social Center in Rayong, Thailand | |
Meningitis Township Project, South-Africa, 2008-2009
Meningitis as a result of tuberculosis is a serious threat for young children in South Africa. There is an increased risk of developing TB especially for children living in townships. The VU Children's Infectious Diseases Diagnostic Centre together with the Desmond Tutu TB Centre in Cape Town provide education, aftercare and home treatment in order to timely treat children who suffer from meningitis. The Turing Foundation paid a once-only donation of € 20,000 to the Tuberculosis Meningitis Township Project. However, the Turing Foundation today restricts itself in the field of diseases to Leprosy control. Meningitis Township Project, South Africa | |
College Education for talented Antillean students, 2006-2008
“Through international education, experience and community service, United World Colleges enables young people to become responsible citizens, politically and environmentally aware, and committed to the ideals of peace and justice, understanding and cooperation, and the implementation of these ideals through action and personal example.” The Turing Foundation sponsors the 2006-2008 education of two talented Antillean students at the Atlantic College in Wales (€ 74,000). The Board has since decided it will honour no more applications to support individuals. | |
Support for Village Elder, Cotonou, Benin 2007-2009
A grant was made to support the village chief of a village near Cotonou in Benin. The village chief bears great responsibility for the village community. Although this allowance of € 1,000 a year will continue for a few years, the Board has since decided it will honour no more applications to support individuals. See also: Other projects in Benin | |
May 4 Concert, Amsterdam, 2007
With a once-only donation of € 5,000, the Turing Foundation supported the educative programme related to the commemoration concert on 4 May 2007 in the Amsterdam Concertgebouw. Commemorating of World War II (and not the music itself) was the goal of this project - which is the reason why this grant does not fall within the scope of our regular policy on music. See also: Other projects in Netherlands | |
'Memories and Reflections' by Hans Kox, 2007
In 2007, the Turing Foundation granted a sum of € 8,000 for the CD recording of music by composer Hans Kox that was never released before. Currently, the foundation's policy is aimed exclusively at live performances of music. See also: Other projects in Netherlands | |
Art for the Pro Seniore verpleegtehuis, 2007
In 2007, the Turing Foundation granted a sum of € 1,500 for the acquisition of several works of art by a nursing home. The foundation later decided to support the enjoyment of paintings exclusively through museums. See also: Other projects in Netherlands | |
War Trauma Aid via de War Trauma Foundation, 2007
Although the objectives of the War Trauma Foundation hardly overlap those of the Turing Foundation, the latter decided in its initial phase to make a once-only contribution of € 25,000. The War Trauma Foundation has used the donation to provide assistance to victims of violence in Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Tanzania.
See also:
Democratic Republic of Congo - Gezamenlijke Verwerking | |
Individual scholarships 2007-2012
In the past few years the Board of The Turing Foundation agreed to individual scholarships for several years to students in Nigeria, Togo, Gambia, Haiti and Benin. Up to and including 2012, a total of € 46.359,- was spent on these students, and although their scholarships will be financed until 2012, the Turing Foundation Board decided in 2009 it will honour no more applications to support individuals.
See also: